Citizen Cope may be the best kept secret in music today, however we don't expect this secret to last for long. Citizen Cope is by far the most original music out in the music scene, which is driving strongly devoted fans to his sold out concerts. Radio stations seem to scratch their heads in confusion because they just don't know how to classify Citizen Cope's music. But the fans do!
While radio station managers continue being confused and miss out on all the fun; Citizen Cope has aggressively toured the U.S. bringing new fans in by the droves. Not just "music fans"! But "Cope fans" dedicated to this amazing music with an intensity that tells you Citizen Cope will very soon no longer be a cool secret among original music lovers.
Last year I spoke with several Citizen Cope fans at a concert and they seemed conflicted in a way that shows their true devotion. Citizen Cope is their musical secret which they dread mainstream music executives eventual attempts at diluting such original music. On the other hand, they have a sense of appreciation for the hard work and amazing talent that Citizen Cope places not only in the music but also for genuine appreciation of the fans - SO they want Cope to break out big!
Citizen Cope's prior record labels seemed almost clueless at promoting his music/albums. Radio station managers and record labels execs may be confused as if they sniffed too much glue as a child, but one thing is for sure Citizen Cope's fans are not in any way confused about the this incredible talent.
Experiencing a Citizen Cope concert is like no other! If it is your first time you will find yourself looking around at the crowd amazed by the number of fans singing WORD FOR WORD on every single song. You will be literally stunned as Citizen Cope, also known as Clarence Greenwood, weaves different genres of music together in a way that is both pleasing and hard to believe that it can actually be pulled off. Is it Rock, Rap, Jazz, Blues, Folk or Reggae that you are hearing?
Nope! It's just music's best kept secret - Citizen Cope!
The ultimate in music pleasure is hearing Citizen Cope and Alice Smith sing together on stage at a concert. Who is Alice Smith? Now come on - we can't give away all of our musical secrets! OK we will share one more.
Citizen Cope just launched a new website and is currently on tour doing an acoustic solo performance throughout the U.S. Citizen Cope has a brand new acoustic album that will coming out in December just in time for the holidays.
Be sure to check out Citizen Cope's other albums until then:
Citizen Cope 2002
The Clarence Greenwood Recordings 2004
Every Waking Moment 2006
Anyone know how to get his first demo tape, released in the late 1990's under the name of "Cope Citizen"?
Be sure to also check out these two youtube videos of Citizen Cope:
Back Together and Let the Drummer Kick
If you are a MySpace fan you might want to also join the 100,000 fans of Citizen Cope.