This is easily one of the best youtube videos I have seen in some time. The Republican Party REFUSED to truly listen to Ron Paul Republicans. At every turn they tried to block Ron Paul's access, During debates they made jabs at him to make him seem incompetent.
SADLY, the Republican Party did not listen. In fact, even after the election in a special Republican Party GOP meeting, to essentially move forward after a horrible loss, - Ron Paul was not invited!
Ron Paul was correct and this is a HUGE "told you so moment"! Again will Republicans learn from their mistakes? Many die-hard Republicans are having a difficult time seeing the difference between Republicans and Democrats right now. Listen now Republicans before the economy collapses in 2009-10 and rolls into a Great Depression. Laugh now, make jokes, deny again - Ron Paul Republicans pray that there will never be another "we told you so moment".
This video is INCREDIBLE. It starts out slow and then WOW! Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, and many news reporters really look like fools when you compare the time-line (Before and After) in this video.
Many believe Ron Paul Republicans were just a craze phase and will disappear. GOP if you still think this you will once again lose election after election. While the GOP is still talking Reagan they should have been listening to Ron Paul. Educate yourself and join the Campaign for Liberty now!