Hey, non-custodial dad, have you ever been called an "ANGRY FATHER"?
Do such exist?
They sure do.
HOWEVER, according to Michigan's family law court system and American media, "Angry Fathers" are those who never bothered taking care of their children when they were married, don't care about their kids now, don't pay their child support, don't deserve to have custody of their kids now, and are those who contest the system for taking away their kids.
Well, they got the last one right, anyway.
Yes. Absolutely. ANGRY FATHERS do indeed exist.
In fact, I am one of them.
I am angry with the Michigan family law court system, and its entourage of others who presume to think they know what is best for my two daughters, and those who make their living off of destroying our families.
I have been termed an ANGRY FATHER, because:
1: I know that I am a loving, capable, and fit parent, who wants to raise my children in the proper manner, as they deserve. I demand to do so, and be left alone by our government so I can.
2: I contest, and fight, the family law court system because they have committed child abuse-on my daughters, and thousands of other sons and daughters in Michigan.
3: The system has violated our guaranteed, fundamental rights, under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The 14th. PROHIBITS a state from doing what they do hundreds of times every day-remove a child from the life and home of a loving, caring, and fit parent. I personally resent this.
4: My personal income, the very source I need to support my children as well as myself is forcibly taken from me on a weekly basis. This paid ransom brings in federal dollars, from Title IV-D, to reward Michigan for removing my daughters from the only safe, stable and secure home they will know as children. These federal dollars are taken from EVERYONE'S paycheck, as social security withholdings. YES-including YOURS!!!
5: I have been reduced to a "visitor" in the lives of my daughters.
6: EVERYONE seems to have a vested interest in deciding when I see my children, how long I see them, if I even see them at all, and even used to determine how I saw them. My daughters and I had to endure "supervised parenting time" for six weeks after the custody fight, in which I had to PAY to see my daughters for a one-hour period.
7: We have a government that routinely turns its head away from us, closes its ears, refuses to listen, refuses to see what is happening, and gives us occasional "lip service" in an attempt to pacify us, withhout any real desire or intent to change the system.
And let's not forget the ones that REALLY PISS OFF THE SYSTEM:
8: I write letters to newspapers, educating the people of Michigan as to the realities of the Michigan family law court system.
9: I take part in rallies, meets, and other events. Some are demonstrations. Some are protests. Others are educational in nature.
10: I write my county commissioners, state elected officials, and federal elected officials, in complaint of what is happening.
11: Finally, I take whatever further action that I, solo, or in agreement with others, determine will be of benefit to the Equal Parenting cause/movement.
But, let's not forget the biggest reasons why some of us are called ANGRY FATHERS. It is because we refuse to roll over, refuse to accept what the FOC and judges do, fight handing our income over to bureaucrats as ransom and extortion money, and we actually and actively stand up for ourselves, our rights as parents, and for our children.
The system does NOT like this.
For those of you who are truly an ANGRY FATHER, in the fight such as myself, I applaud you.
In my humble opinion, if everything that has happened to you and your children since the begginning of your divorce/custody case does NOT make you angry, there is something seriously wrong with you.
The next step is to properly earn the title of ANGRY FATHER.
Stand up, become actively involved, stay actively involved, and tell our government bureaucrats NO MORE!
Tell EVERYONE that a child has the right to the love, care, guidance, education and nurturing of both of their fit, able, and willing parents. To deny a child this is CHILD ABUSE!!
A Father Of Two.