As we follow the BIKE TREK for Equality in Parenting, Big Daddy responds to the “Social Ill” far too few of us are willing to admit!
In response to Courtney E. Martin article at:
“A Powerful Movement Puts Mothers at the Helm of Social Change”
Thanks Courtney for your Op-Ed piece- "The Maternal Is Political" sums it up well! Another recognized demographic seeking equality through politics!
As goes with any new movement, already prior stated- Motherhood is not well defined. It's not centered under a label. It has not a leader!
May I offer some suggestions? Myself, I'm a father! For years, we men, oops fathers, have dissembled, tripped, stumbled and bumbled in no particular direction in our attempt to make our claims of injustice, ironically, towards the same ends that mom's seek, only on different issues! We have fought vehemently, with all those opposed to us. May I dare say? You All! Moms!
The losers have been three groups, with the winners being two groups. The losers are both moms and dads and the underrepresented group called children! The winners have been lawyers and the political machine- whether called the courts, the legislature, or the executive branch leaders.
As we both toil, spending endless time and resources "bashing each other", has it occurred to only dads that neither group (moms or dads) is getting anywhere? Again, let's not forget the kids! That, while our government continues to increase taxes, devalues our earnings through inflation and continues to reign supreme in our lives, our households, and, over our children! Again, let's not forget the agent of debt- the attorneys, so employed to carry our message, whether in the courts or as officers of the various political branches. Have we all bought and sold their agenda? Their story? Their belief system?
History seems to so indicate! Whenever the people have discharged their duties to run government, thus anointing their leaders, who usurp the very people's rights once thought unimpeachable, now lost!
May I talk a vote? Who amongst us is guilty of sitting back apathetically not carrying his/ her duty to run/ control government? I'm guilty, as a citizen, a man and a father! My guilt is only exceeded by my ignorance- I bought and sold their lie!
Today's men's/ father's movement has at its core the fundamental belief that it's mom's fault! No lie could be farther from the truth. At the core of the feminist agenda is that its men's fault. Again, no lie could be farther from the truth!
We have blossomed today, most affected by the 1960's. We emerged from our political obedience into the false belief that our freedom was in the discharging of our responsibility! Then when we had our freedoms usurped there was a governmental agent, a lawyer or a political movement poised to fill our minds with the rhetoric of hatred. Hatred for another demographic group. And thus, the polarization begins again! May I suggest, the protagonist and antagonist of these battles are both created "Straw Horses" of the most sinister kind!
For all of recorded humanity, humanity has oft found itself polarized at the behest of its government and/ or its minions! To whom shall we lay this blame? In our foolishness, we blame each other, because they told us too! In our anger we fight each other! We target each other! And, thereby fuel the cycle of insanity by avoiding ever looking at ourselves!
May I suggest- that BOTH MOMS AND DADS need to take a candid individual look at, "how I am conducting myself?" I am for one- Guilty!
As we enter the second decade of our twenty-first century, may we start with an honest look at ourselves? Find that our greatest ally is our perceived enemy? And, seek to find ways to bridge our gaps? To work towards equality amongst all of our polarized demographic concerns?
Big Daddy