April 4, 2008
For Immediate Release
Angela Pedersen, R.N.
A Child's Right
Barry County Michigan
Parental Rights Symposium
April 6 2008 2pm
The Thomas Jefferson Democratic Hall
328 South Jefferson Street, Hastings, MI, 49058
Hastings, Michigan - April 6 2008 - The Barry County Michigan Parental Rights Symposium will be held on Sunday, April 6, 2 PM, at The Thomas Jefferson Democratic Hall, 328 South Jefferson Street, Hastings, MI, 49058
Dynamic and experienced speakers will be present to discuss Michigan's family law court systems and how their actions adversely affect Michigan's families and children. Michigan House Bill 4564 (Equal Parenting) and Michigan House Joint Resolution NN (2008) will also be discussed. All Michigan citizens and members of the Michigan media are encouraged to attend.
Featured Speakers Will Include:
Jack Hoogendyk, State Representative(R), District 61, U.S. Senate candidate, 2008.
Rick Jones, State Representative(R), District 71.
Mr. Scott Hudson, Democratic candidate for State House District 43 seat, 2008.
Mr. Brian Downs, Esq., Kent County Circuit Court Judicial candidate, 2008. 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek cyclist, Cycling For Children.
Ms. Carol Rhodes, former Calhoun County Friend of the Court Enforcement Officer. You will not want to miss her speech as she exposes the corruption of Michigan's child custody evaluations and family court systems.
Mr. Robert Pedersen, Co-founder of "A Child's Right", 2007 Men's Health Best Life magazine's "National Hero Dad" contest runner-up, 2007 Equal Parenting Bike Trek cyclist, 2008 cyclist, Cycling For Children.
Mr. Lary Holland, Michigan family rights advocate, national expert on Social Security Title IV-D, the financial incentives behind denying children the love, care, guidance and nurturing of both of their fit and willing parents. Host of the popular talk show "Get Off The Bench".
Mr. Mike Saxton, Dads and Moms of Michigan District Advocate, 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek cyclist, Cycling for Children.
Topics of discussion will include The Equal Parenting Bill, House Bill 4564, House Joint Resolution NN, the proposed "Parental Rights" Constitutional Amendment, and the Barry County Friend of the Court.
We are inviting parents and grandparents to come and learn the truth about Michigan's family law court system.
Learn why children have a fundamental right to be loved, guided, educated and nurtured equally by both fit and willing parents.
Media - Please accept this invitation to participate in the coverage of this incredible community event.
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