I admit I have been completely baffled as to the complacency, laziness, and ignorance of the American public in general when it comes to becoming enlightened and educated, on any subject in general.
Case in point-at my place of employment-a unionized shop-recently a "petition" was circulated. All union members were expected to sign it. All it stated was some vague mention of the automotive restructuring plan, and an equally vague mention of saving American workers' jobs. No specifics at all.
I passed on signing it, and requested to speak with our union president about it-instead, a union committee person came to discuss the petition-the one responsible for circulating it. I asked her if she knew any specifics on it at all-basically to verify if the union leadership knew what they were circulating for signatures. She knew basically nothing of it, except for some news she had heard of "the bailout".
I inquired as to why the union leadership was circulating this, since they knew very little of it. I was told that the "international" president , with his team of lawyers, had asked all locals to get all their members signatures on this matter, and that she trusted them.
I then asked why she trusted these people, when they were the same ones who advocated voting for Obama for president, Granholm for governor of Michigan, and, in the past, Clinton for president. Observing all the damage these incompetents have inflicted upon the American public, trusting them would seem a very stupid thing to do, and the last thing that any responsible union leader should want to do.
At that point of the conversation, all I could think of was "baa baa-another blind sheep". The committee person was as blind as a sheep headed for its own demise, as are the union members who signed the petition without even knowing what they were signing , or the implications of doing so.
This is, literally, the blind and the ignorant leading the blind and the even more ignorant.
The committee person then asked why I was still bashing former President Clinton. She and I have had this talk before, but I repeated myself for her convenience. Former President Clinton, in my opinion, committed two of the worst acts against the people of the United States that anyone could have inflicted.
First, he signed the NAFTA agreement, which has cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their jobs, and has allowed American corporations to move outside of our borders to profit THEM, at the expense of the American worker.
Second, during his administration, Clinton supported the corruption and perversion of Social Security's Title IV-D. This program, originally intended to gather support dollars for children whose parents actually abandoned them, was changed to include ALL divorcing parents. This program would never recoup the expenses it cost without including the middle and upper classes in the bureaucracy, since so many of the other parents were unemployed or under-employed. This encouraged the states to label parents as "non-custodial" instead of "abandoning" in order to reap the billions of federal dollars flowing into the divorce industry, and pays them to destroy families and the lives of our children.
It is absolutely amazing that the American public continues to support politicians whose only answer to severe domestic and economic problems is to throw money at them. Many elected officials are guilty of this, but the Democrats are far ahead in doing so, in my opinion.
Their solutions always seem to be to increase government bureaucracy, line the pockets of whomever advises them of the problem, and then realize that to fund the new program, that taxes must be raised to cover the costs. They care not for the American people-the programs and the bureaucracy are all that matter to them!
So, fellow Americans, for all of our sakes, open your eyes, and see what their actions are doing to us. Don't blindly follow and believe their false and misleading rhetoric. If you continue to blindly follow along, you are doing precisely what they want you to do. They are methodically stripping Americans of our livelihood, our ability to pay our bills, they are taking away our fundamental and Constitutional rights, and are PREVENTING us from caring for and raising our children.
For you "sheeple", stop including the rest of us in your path of self-destruction. We want no part of it!
Others are awakening to their demise-which will you choose to do-remain a part of the problem(s), or become a part of those seeking the solutions to ending this destruction and abuse?
A Father of Two.
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