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March 17, 2009


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This may come as a surprise for you, but I am giving you kudos for this blog. I agree with you 100%. I am an ex-wife, and now I'm dating a wonderful dad of four, for little over a year. If women could change their mind frames and be less selfish and think about the well-being of their kids, regardless of their marital experience, there will be peace on this earth. As an ex, I do not play games with my ex. Eventhough our marriage didn't work, we are great friends and he's an excellent father. I will never deprive my kids of their father. They deserve each other in good and in bad. The same for my boyfriend, I welcome his kids into my life and treat them as my own. I must say that we have a blast everytime we spend quality time with them. Is good to give love, but it's also good to receive it and build good memories with happy kids.


Thankfully, there are some women in the world (and in the United States) capable of loving a man's children from his first marriage. Blended families CAN work but it takes maturity and commitment, and it is rare. I am a divorced mother and the child of a divorced father whom suffered horribly at my mother's hand, and I know that it is possible for a woman to love and care for the children of her husband's first marriage. I wish you all the best. NEVER compromise and accept a woman not as in love with your kids as you are. Otherwise, you will regret your marriage and your dear children will suffer.

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