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March 13, 2009


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Robert Paul Gallegos

When my son was 16yrs old - his mom opened a case against me from Oregon - I was supposedly behind $28,000.00. I hired an attorney paid the jerk $10K, he missed a couple of telephonic court conferences - a judgment was handed down for $48K ($28,000.00 for the supposed arrears, plus 16 years interest). The case was to be transferred from Oregon to L.A. County (Where I lived) - somehow it got lost for 2 years (the county sent me a zero bal - money that I had sent was returned to me). 2 yrs later I get a bill for $69,000.00 - I hired another attorney for $12,000.00, he did nothing. She levied my bank account twice for $14,000.00 - so I've paid $36,000.00 & still have a $69,000.00 balance! Just recently my drivers license has been suspended. I done a lot of research, and have come to find the Child Support Industry, is just that, an Industry!!! And a corrupt one at that!!! It violates The Constitution, as well as my individual rights. It is as wrong as slavery.

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