Angelo Lobo, Director/Producer of the documentary film "Support? System Down", interviewed by Lary Holland on the popular talkshow "Get Your Justice Live". Robert Pedersen chimes in with his support of this effort. An excellent interview on this show! Listen and find out why Director/Producer Angelo Lobo is so passionate about this film. Be sure to also watch the four trailers for this shocking documentary film.
Download below and Listen Now! (Take 20 seconds to download on highspeed internet)
Download AngeloLobo on "Get Your Justice Live!"
It is very important that you help support the success of this documentary film. Without your support this movie will not reach national distribution - PLEASE PURCHASE THE SNEAK PEEK DVD NOW. Buying the sneak peek allows you to deduct the cost when the final distribution cut is available. Do you want this documentary film to make it to the mainstream? If so buy it now!
Special thanks to Lary Holland for his support of this film. Visit "Get Your Justice Live" to view previous shows.
When my son was 16yrs old - his mom opened a case against me from Oregon - I was supposedly behind $28,000.00. I hired an attorney paid the jerk $10K, he missed a couple of telephonic court conferences - a judgment was handed down for $48K ($28,000.00 for the supposed arrears, plus 16 years interest). The case was to be transferred from Oregon to L.A. County (Where I lived) - somehow it got lost for 2 years (the county sent me a zero bal - money that I had sent was returned to me). 2 yrs later I get a bill for $69,000.00 - I hired another attorney for $12,000.00, he did nothing. She levied my bank account twice for $14,000.00 - so I've paid $36,000.00 & still have a $69,000.00 balance! Just recently my drivers license has been suspended. I done a lot of research, and have come to find the Child Support Industry, is just that, an Industry!!! And a corrupt one at that!!! It violates The Constitution, as well as my individual rights. It is as wrong as slavery.
Posted by: Robert Paul Gallegos | October 03, 2009 at 09:49 PM