I had the pleasure of meeting with my first-grade daughter's teacher for about an hour earlier today.
The purpose of this early parent-teacher conference was to discuss some difficulties my first-grade daughter is having in class so far this year. The school's principle was also in attendance. Both of my daughters also listened in to the constructive ideas and informative sharing that took place.
Everyone essential to forming a constructive plan to assist my daughter in improvement early this school year, before the situation continues or worsens, was in attendance, EXCEPT my ex-wife-the mother of both my daughters.
I had addressed the situation with her last week, and she had "agreed" with me that we need to address our concerns jointly, as is our responsibility as parents, even as divorced ones. However, she afterwards to the teacher and principle expressed "her need" for a separate meeting.
Instead of choosing to be an active participant, with both parents and concerned parties in attendance, HER needs came first.
She has not had such a meeting, with anyone at the school. She does not have one scheduled. Her first answer to me, when I expressed my concern with our daughter, and the difficulties this school year to date was "so?" When I expressed my desire for a joint conference to discuss and address our concerns, she agreed with me that this was something we both needed to address, and together.
But, in the end, she did not care to attend this essential conference.
Whenever she does choose to meet with anyone at the school, it will be for a "bash dad" session, as she has done before. She has withheld important information from me concerning our youngest-in whose best interests is this?
As a loving, caring, and ACTIVE father in the lives of my daughters, I find this to be yet another intolerable and unacceptable lack of concern on her part. Yet, SHE was "proclaimed" the custodial parent-the one BEST able to care for our daughters.....Title IV-D dollars-look what you have done for my first-grader.....
She has failed to do a single thing for either of our daughters to warrant receiving a judge's blessing to raise them-in reality, she has done much to show her incapacities, and complete inability to do so properly.
The words "fit, willing, and able" are not just words to me. They show the very clear difference between parents who want to raise their children the best they can, as every child deserves, and those who use their children as a "meal ticket", living off of the child support, and every other government handout they can possibly get from the children they have "custody" of.
Even more astounding-just watch the family law court system "protect" the mother, and sit there, clueless, about what is in "the best interests of the child".
Once again, Michigan legislature, WHY do you REFUSE to pass The Equal Parenting Bill, House Bill 4564, and House Joint Resolution NN, the proposed "Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment", so loving, caring, and fit parents can raise their children? WHY????
My daughters NEED these changes to our state laws-they NEED their father to be allowed to raise them. I am being DENIED the right to do so.
"In the best interests of the child", is how they summarize their decisions. I DON"T THINK SO!!!!
I see, even more now than before, the necessity of telling this to the American public. I cannot help but wonder, how many other kids have a parent like the mother of my children, and how many other non-custodial parents fight for the best education for their kids, WITHOUT the interest, concern, and participation of the other parent????
A Father Of Two, A Non-Custodial Parent.
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