The Barnum & Bailey-Ringling Bothers Circus was at Grand Rapids' VanAndel Arena from Thursday, September 18 to Sunday, September 21.
My daughters and I did not go. I could not afford to take them, even with a discount offer on tickets I received in August.
I did manage to scrimp and save enough to take them to a performance last year, but could not this time. Everything else costs more now, and we have not received a cost of living allowance.
I do wonder if Michigan Friend of the Court employees, judicial employees and judges took the time to take their own children to a performance. Nah-they were probably too busy tearing other kids away from their fit and able parents, and gloating over the millions of federal dollars they get via the Title IV-D incentives for doing so.
It is such a travesty and a waste-a system that no one asked for(except those who profit from it), no one wants (except the members of the system), and one that commits this level of abuse, and not only gets away with it, they get REWARDED for it!!
If EQUAL PARENTING were the norm, as it should be, many more parents would have the cash available to take their kids to such an event as a circus. Fit, willing, and able parents would be taking care and providing for their own children when their kids are home with them, instead of providing the same standard of living for all of these attorneys, custody evaluators, psychiatrists, social workers, and others.
I do believe some of them took their children to the circus, and WE paid the bill!! After all, Michigan state employees got THEIR cost of living increases, at OUR expense.
Michigan's family law court system-its actions are in its own best interests, NOT in those of children of a divorced or otherwise broken home. Yet, they are still here, still decimating our families, and raking in millions of taxpayer dollars that we could use to make a house payment, put food on the table, or take our children to a special event, like a circus.
Hey, other divorced, non-custodial fathers-did you take your kids to a circus this year? Could not afford to? Thank the Michigan legislature for NOT passing EQUAL PARENTING, House Bill 4564.
Thank our family law judges and all the lawyers too. You keep their standard of living intact, so they can take their kids to special events, and can bond closer with them. YOUR children will just have to do without, and the system does not care if you bond with them or not.