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July 15, 2008


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Robert Pedersen

This is a fantastic article! Keep up the awesome job.

Wayne Parker

While I agree with your principle that it is time to find a way to assert some federal rights for fathers, the courts have historically found that under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, regulating marriage and family matters are reserved to the States. It will take a serious national dialog and effort to move in the direction of some kind of federal involvement. Interestingly enough, it may take a "marriage amendment" to the Constitution to open that door.

Mark Godbey

We are also facing a powerful challenge to our constitutional Ist Admendment Freedom of the Press. I was a newspaper reporter for 5 years after college, and the one aspect of the law that I was thoroughly trained in was Journalism Law and Ethics. Nowdays, it seems that lefty loons liberals as O'Reilly calls them are attacking our freedom of speech and publication rights as dangerous hate talk and one-sided. I hate to tell them this, but that is what freedom is all about: to loudly and vociferously make known our opinions about all matters, including family and marriage and children, but they left has made speaking out a hate crime. Thank God the Supreme Court continues to reject these morons and their attempts to put down free speech. Just recently a House Democrat proposed a ban on YouTube videos that must first past some kind of "censor". What ludicrous nonsense. In my defense of one man - one woman marriage I was called a "homophobe" by a 4 time divorced mother and member of Fathers 4 Justice. I saw that as no different than being called a "nigger-lover" when I went to school in Alabama in the early 70 when our high school was first integrated. Although both labels are pejorative terms used by people who hate others, they still are protected speech. I say let people write what they want to write, and say what they want to say...and if you disagree, write and say back !!

Read the article: Just and Unjust Laws - Assault on Freedom of Speech. http://cnbpinc.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2066027%3ABlogPost%3A23465

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