Robert Pedersen receives Congressional Recognition from U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow!
My goodness! Just when you think the media frenzy might slow down prior to the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek or after Robert's Runner-up win in Best Life Magazine's national Hero Dad Contest it just keeps picking up!!! What a gigantic honor to receive this just shortly after being recognized by the Michigan Office of the Governor! It is nice to see that U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow recognizes the importance of fathers/dads to society, families and most of all children.
Robert was very excited to receive Congressional Recognition and repeated to me that there are many such fathers who deserve such recognition yet never do. Always being modest as usual!! Robert went on to tell me, "This is not about me. This is about my son and daughter and all of the children who are harmed by being denied equal time with one of their fit and willing parents." As I previously stated in my post regarding Robert's recognition from the Michigan Office of the Governor I feel like the luckiest wife alive and am so proud to see how wonderful he is as a dad to his son and daughter!!
Angela Pedersen, R.N. ACLS
Current List of Media and Blogger Coverage
Robert Pedersen's Best Life magazine's Hero Dad Contest
Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family