This is so amazing and such an honor. While Robert and I were going for our evening walk we received an excited call from Robb Mackenzie. Both Robb and Robert will be on the Radio Lia Show! Hearing Robb so excited made me happy and I looked over at my husband who looked stunned at first and then came the huge smile I know my husband best for. The interview focus will be the over 600 mile EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek!!
This radio show has a nationwide audience and they are connected to some of the most famous country music stars! I especially enjoyed the Toby Keith interview!! I can see why this show is so popular because I listened to some of Lia's stuff on the website and she has quite the personality! Not only is this show nationwide in scope but they also have a large fan base out of Canada as well! Radio Lia is also a strong advocate for our troops!
This is huge and will certainly bring the issue of shared parenting into a national scope and focus. Robert and Robb are so excited and honored by this. The part of Radio Lia's website that touched me the most was when she explained how much her father touched her life. The interview will be at 6pm this Friday. Stay tuned for more information on this awesome story. Please take the time to write Radio Lia and thank her for covering this amazing dad story!