Left to Right: Lary Holland, Carol Rhodes, Robert Pedersen, State Representative Steil Jr., Jay Fedewa
Not pictured but part of the speakers panel: Ronald Smith, Phil Wurm, State Representative Rick Jones and State Representative Fulton Sheen
Many others were in attendance that participated in this Equal Parenting Symposium that was organized by Phil Wurm of A Child's Right. We are very grateful for all of his hard work and dedication to organize this event. We were very thankful to fill the entire hall with concerned citizens and elected officials.
Many extremists like to label this a father's rights movement. Once again, that was proved ever so wrong! The roughly 110 citizens were split almost 50/50 on gender! When a child is ripped away from one of their fit parents by no choice of their own they are denied the love, nurturing, guidance and education of 1/2 of their entire family tree. Children are deprived loving family members that can be one more set of eyes and ears looking out for the best interests of the child. Many grandparents could be seen in the crowd in tears over the pain they have experienced. Sadly, it is the children who are hurt the most by all of this. This is essentially child abuse.
This single symposium was more effective than 10 rallies at the Lansing, MI Capitol combined. This truly was an amazing night! Thank you to our host and to all concerned citizens that attended. Photo: Lary Holland
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