A Child's Right Radio Ad. Be a part of the solution and help our organization with Michigan House Bill 4564, the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek and the Washington, D.C. Rally!
A Child's Right: EQUAL time with BOTH fit parents
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A Child's Right Radio Ad. Be a part of the solution and help our organization with Michigan House Bill 4564, the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek and the Washington, D.C. Rally!
A Child's Right: EQUAL time with BOTH fit parents
Posted at 10:58 PM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, Grandparents, HB 4564, Lary Holland, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, PAS, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 02:36 AM in Child Custody, Family, Family Court, Family Times, Friend of the Court, Grandparents, HB 4564, Kids, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Movies, National Politics, PAS, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)
Rush! Hurry! Drive! Crap I forgot the hot dogs for the grill! Memorial Day madness! We are all so busy preparing for this holiday and to enjoy the day off of work with family. So many things to remember and so little time to prepare for all the fun.
Enjoy these family times, but do not forget to properly honor those who gave their life for the freedoms we enjoy. Thank those who are currently serving to protect our freedoms.
If you are cooking on the grill for a large family like mine, you will most likely wipe your brow a few times from the intense heat coming off of your Weber. That heat is nothing compared to what our soldiers are subjected to everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan. While you sit on your chair complaining to other family members about how much of an a$$ your boss is, remember that our soldiers did not get the day off and some of them may indeed die on this day.
I am not trying to rain on any parade! Please just remember the meaning of Memorial Day and why we observe it. The video below is one of Canadian forces fighting the Taliban. Whether American, Canadian or UK so many of these soldiers serve their country for the freedoms we enjoy daily.
Quite different from our Memorial Day huh?
When troops are lucky enough to come home alive, many must face a different type of hell.
They come home to the hell of finding out they lost custody of their children to a spouse seeking a divorce. They also come home to the hell of the child support enforcement racket! Many of our reservists must leave a higher paying civilian job and lose a significant portion of their income when they leave for Iraq or other overseas deployments. Most receive no downward reduction in their child support orders to accommodate for their reduced income as reservists. They return home to arrears on their child support and threats of jail! This is wrong! Our troops deserve much better treatment and there should be some form of automatic safeguard for situations like these. The fact that this is allowed to happen is an outrage.
We have long reported how states and family court systems PROFIT via child support orders and Title IV-D federal incentives. So...do you think they give our troops/reservists a break or reduction?
Phyllis Schlafly's "The Price Some Reservists Have To Pay" should get your blood boiling faster than your Weber Genesis Silver Propane Grill.
Another disturbing trend for those troops who come home to a child custody battle during a divorce! According to the so called "Best Interest Factors" the soldier would lose child custody because of the child being with the other parent for an extended period of time, while the other was off fighting for our country and the freedoms we enjoy!
A child never forgets the love and comfort of a parent who goes off to war.
Never forget what our troops face!
Posted at 01:22 AM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, National Politics, PAS, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (4)
"Im proud of Robert Pedersen, of all the effort and scarifice he has put into this.. I have know him for a few year's now, and have watched him fight for these right's.. It has not been an easy road for him, I congratulate you on your continue effort's not only for your own childern, but for parent's and childern that face the same difficulty as you. I have seen Robert with his childern, and he is a wonderful father, and his childern adore him.. He need's everyone's support, to make this happen... Remember, he is doing this for all of the parent's and childern who fight for these right's.."
Marcie has a rockin My Space page
Thanks Marcie,
EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek Updates
Posted at 09:00 AM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, PAS, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A quick thank you to Dads and Moms of Michigan for the "Member of the Year Award" they gave me.
A Child's Right is proud to be affiliated with this organization.
Robert Pedersen
Posted at 04:05 AM in Child Custody, Daddy Fact, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Kids, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
We have long been discussing how states and family court systems seek the creation of "non-custodial" parents for profit under the federal Title IV-D incentives. Thus, for the sake of revenue states and family court systems deprive children of their right to equal time with both fit parents.
Learn the details of this Department of Human Services nightmare. Money hungry governments are increasingly taking senior citizens from their homes or the homes of their family members. Why is this happening? It allows the states to take a senior citizen's pensions, savings, valued possessions, etc. If this doesn't cover the bill, they look to other family member's assets for the difference!
Listen to DHS workers harass this grandmother
View transcript to follow above noted audio recording.
Learn how they used illegal injections to control this grandmother.
This form of corruption was described in a Feb. 26th, 2006 Des Moines Register newspaper article:
"The Iowa Attorney General's office has accused the director of a major state agency of engaging in vindictive, unethical and illegal behavior in the investigation of crimes against the elderly." The story goes on to say that, The Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller claims "The Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals is violating the rights of individuals accused of abusing seniors." Tom Miller also said that an inspector even "Claimed she was pressured by the department to change her findings to indicate the abuse had occurred".
Learn more about the Elderly Rights Association and how they further describe a state system that is hell bent on making profits by housing our elderly loved ones.
Covered by:
Updates on EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek
Posted at 02:30 AM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, Grandparents, Michigan Politics, National Politics, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (3)
The ultra radical and angry feminists are at it again! This organization clearly no longer supports EQUALITY, but has a radical agenda of only furthering the gender war! Their actions, as of late, clearly exposes their hidden agenda because more and more females are speaking out against this radical organization.
NOW must be greatly confused with current child custody statistics! Gender bias against women?
Perhaps they are sniffing too much glue?
However, it gets even worse...these radical feminists call PAS junk science! This is a human rights violation just by stating something so absurd.
Perhaps they should educate themselves on PAS by visiting the following:
2) Parental Alienation Awareness
Divorce Poison: Protecting the Parent-Child Bond from a Vindictive Ex
To add further insult and additional attacks on traditional families NOW wants you to believe that domestic violence is committed only by men. Secondly, only men abuse children.
At the expense of children, politics are once again being played and the gender war is being needlessly continued. The statistics that are used to trick our elected officials can easily be challenged if society is ready to acknowledge that BOTH genders can and do commit Domestic Violence! In fact, the APA American Psychological Association President recently admitted that both genders commit domestic violence at almost the same rate.
Please also visit:
Breaking Through the Stereotype
Information on Male Victims of Domestic Violence
The Hidden Victims of Domestic Violence
In Defense of Men by feminist author Sheridan Hill
Telling the Truth HB4564
The Many Faces of Domestic Violence HB 4564
A Gender Issue House Bill 4564
By a Nurse (yeah!)
Forensic Nurse: Domestic Homicide of Male Spouses by Females: A Review for Death Investigators
An Unbiased Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Myths, Factoids, and Facts about Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know
Both Genders can be victims and perpetrators! Stop the gender warfare and support an organization that does not have a gender agenda. Support STOP ABUSE FOR EVERYONE www.safe4all.org We are all members of this organization! Support them and be sure to visit their Blog as well. SAFE BLOG
We also encourage our readers to visit: RADAR
Abused Husband Video - Warning this video contains violence and may not be suitable for all adults.
This video is not appropriate viewing material for children of any age whatsoever!
Even worse as stated above they want to paint all men as child abusers!
Perhaps they were not aware of this sick case?
Remember this book?
A Child Called "It": One Child's Courage to Survive
NOW will never agree to the following because it is against their gender agenda. It is a human rights violation to deny a child the right to EQUAL time with BOTH fit parents after a divorce!
Joint Custody Lowers Divorce Rates
Shared Parenting is Best for Children
Better Adjusted in Joint Custody
People of BOTH genders should be outraged over their continued attempt to drive their radical agenda at all costs.
Angela Pedersen, R.N. (and yes a female)
Posted at 09:31 PM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, National Politics, PAS, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)
Tags: abused men, dads, domestic violence, fatherhood, fathers, men, VAWA
Once again DaddyBlogger.com has been published on Right Michigan. Several videos along with the article can be viewed via the link below.
EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek Updates
Posted at 08:18 AM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Lary Holland, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Movies, PAS, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Excellent News! We are excited that Glenn Sacks, columnist and talk radio, covered the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek event in his high traffic blog. Special thanks to Glenn Sacks for covering an event which is increasingly making noise aroung the world.
EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek Updates
Posted at 01:34 PM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Men's Perspectives, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, National Politics, PAS, Sports, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Similar to the Roman civilization, the few hold power over the many by means of fear. Fathers (usually) remain stagnant because of depression and obsession over their own cases, and the fear of consequences from the family court systems. Even worse, our so called “leaders” and many organizations are failing to seize the perfect opportunity for change.
Upon analysis of family law reform groups in the United States we have see them come and go with minor steps towards progress. The Divorce Racket Busters, MEN International, Million Man March and the Promise Keepers have all tried different avenues towards change. Many remain to this day but are less prominent in scope than once before.
There are more prominent groups today that are failing to seize the perfect opportunity for change. Some are so caught up with their own self identity and their way of doing things that they refuse to openly support the August 18th 2007 Washington, D.C. Rally. The purpose of the Washington, D.C. Rally is to bring EVERYONE together both those who wear costumes and those who refuse to. Even those who want only to educate and refuse to hold a rally sign for fear of not being politically correct.
These groups fall under different chosen categories such as children’s rights, father’s rights, family law reform, non-custodial parent’s rights, non-custodial mother’s rights, men’s issues, etc. We are far too fragmented to ever be seriously effective. Many of these organizations, in which some of us pay membership fees, are failing us. They are either failing to support the Washington, D.C. rally or they are giving verbal lip service with no serious form of action beyond that. Should we continue supporting all of these numerous fragmented groups if they still do not know how to work with others for the sole purpose of change? Is my money better spent in donating to the Washington, D.C. Rally directly, as opposed to sending my money to various organizations to become a member?
If these organizations do not kick it into overdrive and start helping financially and with other forms of action, I say my money this year is best spent for an event of ACTION. August 18, 2007 Washington, D.C. Rally. If some of these organizations refuse to support this effort because not every one attending the Rally will be wearing a yellow hat, as an example, then it is up to us to recognize that they are too self absorbed in their groups identity and selfishly place their own organization above the perfect opportunity for change. There have been some organizations, such as LA Dads, that have stepped up in a serious way despite being so far away geographically from these events.
There are also naysayer organizations that wish for this Washington, D.C. Rally to fail. Their thought process is that since the rallies in the past have failed in D.C. then surely this one will also. If you seek failure, you most certainly will fail! If you seize this opportunity and seek success, this will most certainly be a self-fulfilling prophecy. We already know based on head count alone that more will be in attendance at the D.C. Rally then compared to the ones in the past which have failed.
My plea to all who read this! Refuse to listen to those who speak of failure! Refuse to listen to those who say since it failed in the past it most certainly will again! Do not support organizations that do not promote family law reform, but only negative energy coupled with a defeatist attitude.
There are also numerous family rights organizations and churches that refuse to support things such as EQUAL Parental Rights after a divorce. These family rights organizations, in Michigan and throughout the U.S., are failing all of us to an extent that people should be outraged. Phyllis Schlafly herself commented on this in her piece titled “Fathers Day Lament”. I have personally contacted several groups in Michigan and they refuse to support EQUAL Parental Rights, yet their donations keep rolling in.
Shame on all of us for supporting organizations that refuse to recognize that having EQUAL Parental Rights legislation has been shown to reduce crime, reduce divorce rates and helps children in the long run after a divorce. They advocate for family rights, but apparently this ends once a divorce occurs. With families dissolving at a rapid pace, it may be wise for them to look closer at EQUAL Parental Rights as part of their platform.
Another source of frustration among the “foot soldiers” who are fighting daily in the trenches for various family law reforms are with those single individuals who are considered experts or leaders within the areas of children’s rights, family rights, and fathers rights. You know who they are without a name being mentioned. You have long bought their books, DVDs, articles, advertising, their speeches and even their legal representation.
My second plea to all who should read this. STOP! STOP supporting their work, books, legal services and more. To profit from this industry, under the shield and protection of being titled an advocate for change, is immoral and wrong without actively seeking the end of the industry from which they profit. Now is the time for these “leaders” to step up and standout! How much have they donated to the Washington, D.C. Rally? How much have they donated to the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek? Are they the ones pedaling over 600 miles for change? Over 9 hours a day in the saddle pedaling for 6 days? If they are too politically correct or fear credibility loss in the eyes of certain elitists, they can certainly make anonymous donations. They are smart people and I am sure they can figure it out.
Some of these “experts” or “leaders” even want to charge a speaking fee to show up for the August 18th Washington, D.C. Rally! All of us should be outraged over this! Immediately stop supporting these individuals! There are enough parasites attached to us now. All of us in the trenches look up and see the various vultures circling around us in the sky above. Stop buying their services, books, DVDs, etc and help in any way you can with the Washington, D.C. Rally. Is $5 too much when you spend $25 on their books? It is time for these leaders to put their money where there mouth is. Or better yet, it is time for them to exercise their writing skills by writing not yet another book, but a check as a donation for this rally.
My third and final plea to all. Stop complaining and start performing measurable forms of action. Complaining will get you and your case no where. I have been there and I know it is personally difficult to get over the depression and self obsession of your own case. Get out of the Yahoo groups and start actively helping with the overall movement of changing this current state of madness. Yahoo…hah! It is more like super glue or perhaps voodoo, it might make you a guru but in the end creates nothing more than the taste of stale tofu. The herd mentality, like a group of lemmings, we do nothing more than jump off the cliff together.
Our various organizations all suffer from those who want to benefit from the efforts of the groups; however they rarely dedicate their own time and energy towards changing the system. However, not everyone is like this and a few have really stood out. For example, there is Paul Burton who openly blogs to the fact that he does not have a penny to his name after buying a bulk order of advocacy bumper stickers. Despite his lack of financial fortune, he has committed to donating a portion of his profits to the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek. Paul may not have financial wealth but he has a form of wealth that can never be taken away – passion and dedication towards change.
I am by no means the perfect advocate. I do dedicate a lot of time and energy which I really do not have towards the daily pursuit of change. I have never profited from advocacy and continuously I find myself dishing out more time and money than I had intended to. I do not regret any of this. I will, however, no longer support any group or individual “expert” unless if I see their immediate action in helping with the perfect opportunity of change. I am a member of various organizations which have failed me personally with their lack of support towards the D.C. Rally. They will not see a single dime from me ever, if they continue to ignore the perfect opportunity in bringing all of us together on August 18th, 2007. The same holds true of the individual “experts” in the areas of children rights, father’s rights, family law reform and family rights. This is the greatest opportunity for all to show whether they are actively apart of the solution.
Onward I charge (and pedal),
Robert Pedersen
Box 119
30 E Columbia Ave Ste F1
Battle Creek, MI 49015
[email protected]
Proud dad of two children deprived of their right to EQUAL time with their fit father.
EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek Updates Support HB 4564
Posted at 10:05 PM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, National Politics, PAS, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)
Posted at 07:54 PM in Child Custody, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Kids, Lary Holland, Men's Perspectives, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Movies, National Politics, PAS, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Why a Daughter Needs a Dad: A Hundred Reasons
Posted at 03:25 AM in Child Custody, Daddy Fact, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Kids, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Movies, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)
Be sure to check out our Michigan House Bill 4564 Squidoo Lens. This will be updated frequently and will prove to be an excellent resource by increasing our share of voice on HB 4564. Tell others about this Lens and make sure you sign our guestbook in support of HB 4564.
Posted at 02:13 AM in Child Custody, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:31 AM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Lary Holland, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, National Politics, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Breaking News from DaddyBlogger.com Alec Baldwin will soon be participating with the Action 4 Justice. We all knew that Alec Baldwin would eventually become more actively involved with this cause! Our source is very credible and we look forward to having Alec Baldwin further increase national awareness of a system that is broke and highly destructive to children.
We hope that both the A4J and Mr. Baldwin will become actively involved with the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek on August 11th 2007 and the Washington, D.C. Rally on August 18th 2007.
Did you know that AFJ has an actual political party in Spain based on the platform of EQUAL Parental Rights for both fit parents and a child's right to EQUAL time with BOTH fit Parents?
You heard it here first...visit us often at DaddyBlogger.com See ANCPR News Mens Activism Mens Beta
Posted at 10:55 PM in Child Custody, Daddy Fact, Family Court, Family Times, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Men's Perspectives, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Movies, National Politics, PAS, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (2)
Perhaps more divorcing parents should watch this before they rip a child away from another parent during the course of a divorce. Very touching You Tube video.
Please support the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek!
Divorce Poison: Protecting the Parent-Child Bond from a Vindictive Ex
Posted at 01:09 AM in Child Custody, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Kids, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I thought readers of our blog would enjoy a very brief and to the point article that I wrote and was published by Right Michigan. Thus, it was not a diary entry but it was chosen for publication. The topic is Title IV-D.
Angela Pedersen, R.N.
We support Michigan House Bill 4564
Posted at 09:05 PM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Kids, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, PAS, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Cheated: (The story of a father who would not give up his children) A DOCUMENTED ACCOUNT OF PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS) by Ronald E. Smith and Ariel D. Smith will be released for purchase on 07/16/07. You can purchase it at Publish America. ISBN: 1-4241-7306-X, 108 pages, 5.5 x 8.5. You will have to do a search by typing "Cheated" in the search box. Knowing Ronald Smith, this will prove to be an interesting and informative book.
You can see a speech given by Ronald Smith on You Tube. Learn more about Ronald Smith's Children Need Both Parents, Inc.
Angela Pedersen, R.N.
Posted at 05:04 PM in Books, Child Custody, Daddy Fact, Family Court, Family Times, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Kids, Men's Perspectives, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, PAS, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Minister Ronald Smith
Check out this website that is selling the bumper stickers pictured here. A divorced dad trying to help with the overall movement towards EQUALITY and what is truly in the "best interest of the children".
Posted at 04:39 PM in Child Custody, Daddy Fact, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, Title IV-D | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
You can listen to the new songs at Peter Cincotti's My Space
You can also buy them via Itunes here
Watch his new Goodbye Philadelphia video.
Posted at 01:29 PM in Music | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Wayne County Michigan. A carjacker assaulted a 91 year old WWII veteran in Detroit's West Side! You can watch the shocking video here. This is such a horrible thing to have happen to an elderly man and also to a veteran. This man served our country and deserves the most ultimate respect.
There are many reasons to the decay of society. Detroit is becoming a place to avoid rather than to visit and enjoy the different cultural and entertainment venues. The media and politicians love to speak out on how fathers need to step-up and take an active role inn their children's lives. This they purport will decrease crime in society overall. Sure! There are fathers that avoid their most important role in society...being an active father. However, oftentimes fathers are forced out of their children's lives by the family court systems throughout Michigan.
In Michigan, the father (usually) is made the "non-custodial" parent by no choice of their own! The state of Michigan and it's family court systems PROFIT from the creation of a "non-custodial" parent. They profit through the federal Title IV-D welfare incentives. The state and court systems are "pimping" our children for the sake of their profit. They order "neutral and fair" custody evaluations which are oftentimes performed by those who work for the court system and thus profit indirectly from making a "non-custodial" parent.
Why did so many Michigan Democrats vote against a shared parenting bill? Wayne County State Representatives Gino Polidori and Lamar Lemmons, Jr. voted against Michigan House Bill 5267! This double talk of how important fathers are and then essentially voting against a bill that would benefit society, fathers and children must stop now. These politicians need to be held accountable for their vote against Michigan's children. They were educated, by numerous sources, about the benefits of equal custody for both fit parents. They were educated about the benefits to society and the reduction of crime. Yet, they voted against a bill that would help so many people and families.
We are delighted that the suspect who allegedly assaulted this 91 year old veteran is now in police custody. Our elected officials, in Michigan, need to stop with the double speak and they need start supporting families and children. Passing equal custody legislation in Michigan will be the start towards turning Michigan around and making it a family friendly state once again.
A Child's Right: EQUAL time with BOTH fit parents
Support Michigan House Bill 4564
Support the EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek
Angela Pedersen, R.N.
Motor City Mafia: A Century of Organized Crime in Detroit (Images of America)
Posted at 11:11 AM in Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Men's Perspectives, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, National Politics, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Exciting to see this come together! Check out the Washington, D.C. Rally website and help in any way you can. #1 ACTION ITEM - BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.dcrally2007.com
Posted at 01:04 AM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, National Politics, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Being a step-mother is sometimes a thankless job and I am sure many step-parents feel this at one time or another. I am amazed by the strength of my wife, who is step-mother to my two incredible children. I thank God for how wonderful she is as a wife and also how awesome she is with my children. I could not have asked for anyone better to share my life with.
Amazing! At our daycare for the kids she was given a mother's day gift to pass along to my children's mother. No recognition for step-parents? Angela came home and placed this mother's day gift on the counter for us to pass along to the children's mom on mother's day. I am very proud of how she responded to this. Being a step-parent is especially difficult when you are on the side of having to worry about child support. The stress of staying current on child support affects more than just me.
On this mother's day don't forget to thank the step-moms as well. They are EQUALLY important in a child's life and upbringing. I appreciate everything she does and love her for everything she is.
I thought I would share a special video that I made for Angela from our wedding day. It was the most awesome day of my life! So much fun! We wanted it to be a very private and small wedding so only a few people were invited. I will never forget this day. We still do not have a penny to our name and loads of stress, yet I would not trade this for anything.
Here is a fantastic resource for all step-parents to check out. National Stepfamily Resource Center
Also check out: EQUAL Parenting Bike Trek
Thanks for visiting DaddyBlogger.com
Posted at 10:54 PM in Child Custody, Dating, Family, Family Court, Family Times, Friend of the Court, Kids, Men's Perspectives, Movies, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 07:46 PM in Alec Baldwin, alexa, Books, Child Custody, Child Support, Daddy Blogs, DaddyBlogger, dads, Domestic Violence, Family Court, fatherhood, fathers, Friend of the Court, Parental Alienation, Parental Alienation Syndrome, PAS, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: A Promise to Ourselves, alec baldwin, alexa, baldwin, books, dads, divorce, fatherhood, fathers, men
...released by radical, angry feminist group. HB 4564
As predicted this organization which once stood for EQUALITY has NOW been hijacked by radical feminists that are hell bent on control and labeling men as abusers. Children no longer need to be in a tug-of-war of their controlling agenda. HB4564
Michigan Children deserve better! Michigan Children deserve Michigan House Bill 4564 (HB 4564).
Domestic Violence and HB 4564 HB 4564
Sadly, for political reasons and the continuation of gender warfare some opponents state that MI HB 4564 will cause more women to be abused! This scare tactic works well! Domestic Violence is to always be taken seriously. Michigan House Bill 4564
What the radical groups do not tell you is that MI HB 4564 does NOT change ANY laws related to Domestic Violence. Current laws and protections will stay in place. Apparently they want to convince our lawmakers that all men are abusive and thus all men and children should be ripped apart after a divorce or separation. Their statements also expose their blatant discrimination and bigotry against one gender. Michigan House Bill 4564
At the expense of children, politics are once again being played and the gender war is being needlessly continued. The statistics that are used to trick our elected officials can easily be challenged if society is ready to acknowledge that BOTH genders can and do commit Domestic Violence! In fact, the APA American Psychological Association President recently admitted that both genders commit domestic violence at almost the same rate. Please also visit: 4564
Breaking Through the Stereotype HB 4564
Information on Male Victims of Domestic Violence Michigan House Bill 4564
The Hidden Victims of Domestic Violence HB 4564
In Defense of Men by feminist author Sheridan Hill MI HB4564
Fixing Only Half The Problem Michigan House Bill 4564
Telling the Truth HB4564
The Many Faces of Domestic Violence HB 4564
A Gender Issue House Bill 4564
By a Nurse (yeah!)
Forensic Nurse: Domestic Homicide of Male Spouses by Females: A Review for Death Investigators
An Unbiased Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Myths, Factoids, and Facts about Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know
Both Genders can be victims and perpetrators! Stop the gender warfare and support an organization that does not have a gender agenda. Support STOP ABUSE FOR EVERYONE www.safe4all.org We are all members of this organization! Support them and be sure to visit their Blog as well. SAFE BLOG
We also encourage our readers to visit: RADAR
Abused Husband Video - Warning this video contains violence and may not be suitable for all adults.
This video is not appropriate viewing material for children of any age whatsoever!
Benefits of EQUAL Parenting HB 4564
Joint Custody Lowers Divorce Rates HB 4564
Facts of Joint Custody HB 4564
Dangers of Sole Custody HB 4564
Shared Parenting is Best for Children HB 4564
Better Adjusted in Joint Custody Michigan House Bill 4564
Support HB 4564
Angela Pedersen, Registered Nurse
President and Co-Founder
HB 4564 HB 4564 HB4564 MI HB4564 MIHB4564 4564 Michigan House Bill 4564 4564 4564 HB4564 HB 4564
HB 4564 HB 4564 HB4564 MI HB4564 MIHB4564 4564 Michigan House Bill 4564 4564 4564 HB4564 HB 4564
HB 4564 HB 4564 HB4564 MI HB4564 MIHB4564 4564 Michigan House Bill 4564 4564 4564 H Feminist Fantasies
Posted at 04:29 AM in Child Custody, Domestic Violence, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, HB 4564, Lary Holland, Men's Movement, Men's Perspectives, MI HB 4564, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 01:24 AM in Child Custody, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Going door to door and rally to rally. A patriot on a mission.
LaryHolland.com for more information!
Posted at 08:17 AM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, Lary Holland, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Succinct Lary Holland phone call example on Title IV-D. To find more information on Lary Holland please visit - Lary Holland Blog
Examples of his commentary:
1. How Federal Funding Drives Judicial Discretion in Child Custody Determinations.
2. New Court Targets Federal Money Not Delays
Also - numerous articles written by Lary Holland can be found on Associated Content
Posted at 11:51 PM in Child Custody, Family Court, Friend of the Court, Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan Politics, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)
Flashback from the past. 2006 Rob MacKenzie EQUAL parenting bike trek.
This year's EQUAL parenting bike trek proves to break through the media barrier!
Adding excitement leading up to the massive Washington, D.C. Rally
A Child's Right = Michigan House Bill 4564
Michigan children deserve better!
Posted at 04:50 AM in Child Custody, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court, Michigan Politics, Title IV-D, You Tube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Michigan HB 4564 Action Plan
The bill to give all children in disputed custody cases the right to have both equally fit parents in their life has been introduced to the Family and Children Services Committee. We have listened to the opposition to this equality and their words ring untrue at best and self serving evil at worst. The children’s anti-parental right lobby will not acknowledge that the majority of children are improperly being denied stability in their parental relationships due to a small percentage of cases with domestic violence. They would have us believe that since only 10% of disputed cases make it all the way to the judge that there is no need for reform in the law because 90% of cases are settled by both parents of their own free will. They would also have us believe that children do not need both parents in their lives but just need small amounts of quality time with their non-custodial parent (father). They go on to say that raising the level of evidence by making the court show clear and convincing evidence of unfitness will increase the amount of litigation between divorcing parents. This is like saying that more people would be able to file more civil actions to win millions of dollars in civil suits if the evidence standards where raised to criminal standards. Tell that to OJ who is still running from paying…
Anyhow we must now focus on getting the bill through the committee. We know that the bill has a majority of FCS members as co-sponsors. We know that the chair Brenda Clack opposes that bill and that she probably will not let it come up for a vote without a concerted effort to convince her that she needs to. I have heard that she plans on never letting it out of committee and that she will not allow any GOP introduced bills up for 6 months. I am suggesting that we get busy mobilizing and activating within her district so that she hears from every concerned citizen. She needs to hear from all of her campaign contributors that agree that children need both parents. Here is a list of all the committee members for you to contact:
Here is a link to the page that will show you who contributed to State Rep Clack’s campaign. These people need to know that she needs to be encouraged to allow a vote: http://miboecfr.nicusa.com/cgi-bin/cfr/contrib_anls_res.cgi?can_last_name=Clack,+Brenda&sched=*&sort_1=common_name&sort_2=amount&sched=*
Here is a link to a page that gives you the media outlets in
Please work on contacting everyone and getting the message out in
Executive Director www.AChildsRight.net
Lary Holland - Iowa Rally
Posted at 12:47 AM in Child Custody, Daddy Fact, Family, Family Court, Friend of the Court | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Announcing CRISPE National Tour for Equal Shared Parenting
Leaders - we are counting on you to pass this message on to your members, and we hope to see you this year on our tour! It's a good thing!
The Children's Rights Initiative for Sharing Parents Equally (CRISPE) has announced the kickoff of it's first national tour of the CRISPE Bus to support shared parenting rights throughout the United States. On Wednesday, April 25th, the CRISPE Bus will be in Las Vegas for the Kickoff of the CRISPE National Tour for Equal Shared Parenting. Stops on the national tour will happen throughout the United States, culminating in Washington DC at the August 18th DCRally 2007 at the National Mall.
The goal of this years tour is to energize and grow shared parenting organizations across America, creating local news stories, membership drives, attending local protests and rallies and fundraisers, and providing good will visits to local dignitaries, politicians, and state agencies.
The national tour schedule will take the CRISPE bus to the West Coast States during April, May and June, with firm plans for stops in Las Vegas, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Salem, Portland, Olympia and Seattle.
In June and July, the CRISPE Bus will visit Mid-West cities and states, and will travel to the East Cost for visits during the months of August and September. The Southern United States will be home to the bus during the months of October and November.
On the right column of www.CRISPE.org is a calendar which will be utilized to show our schedule. Please check it often as it will be updated throughout the tour.
Any local or state shared parenting or shared grandparenting groups with an interest in having CRISPE visit their town should contact CRISPE at [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it as our schedule is beginning to fill up.
Posted at 12:45 AM in Child Custody, Family Court | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)