...released by radical, angry feminist group. HB 4564
As predicted this organization which once stood for EQUALITY has NOW been hijacked by radical feminists that are hell bent on control and labeling men as abusers. Children no longer need to be in a tug-of-war of their controlling agenda. HB4564
Michigan Children deserve better! Michigan Children deserve Michigan House Bill 4564 (HB 4564).
Domestic Violence and HB 4564 HB 4564
Sadly, for political reasons and the continuation of gender warfare some opponents state that MI HB 4564 will cause more women to be abused! This scare tactic works well! Domestic Violence is to always be taken seriously. Michigan House Bill 4564
What the radical groups do not tell you is that MI HB 4564 does NOT change ANY laws related to Domestic Violence. Current laws and protections will stay in place. Apparently they want to convince our lawmakers that all men are abusive and thus all men and children should be ripped apart after a divorce or separation. Their statements also expose their blatant discrimination and bigotry against one gender. Michigan House Bill 4564
At the expense of children, politics are once again being played and the gender war is being needlessly continued. The statistics that are used to trick our elected officials can easily be challenged if society is ready to acknowledge that BOTH genders can and do commit Domestic Violence! In fact, the APA American Psychological Association President recently admitted that both genders commit domestic violence at almost the same rate. Please also visit: 4564
Breaking Through the Stereotype HB 4564
Information on Male Victims of Domestic Violence Michigan House Bill 4564
The Hidden Victims of Domestic Violence HB 4564
In Defense of Men by feminist author Sheridan Hill MI HB4564
Fixing Only Half The Problem Michigan House Bill 4564
Telling the Truth HB4564
The Many Faces of Domestic Violence HB 4564
A Gender Issue House Bill 4564
By a Nurse (yeah!)
Forensic Nurse: Domestic Homicide of Male Spouses by Females: A Review for Death Investigators
An Unbiased Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Myths, Factoids, and Facts about Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know
Both Genders can be victims and perpetrators! Stop the gender warfare and support an organization that does not have a gender agenda. Support STOP ABUSE FOR EVERYONE www.safe4all.org We are all members of this organization! Support them and be sure to visit their Blog as well. SAFE BLOG
We also encourage our readers to visit: RADAR
Abused Husband Video - Warning this video contains violence and may not be suitable for all adults.
This video is not appropriate viewing material for children of any age whatsoever!
Benefits of EQUAL Parenting HB 4564
Joint Custody Lowers Divorce Rates HB 4564
Facts of Joint Custody HB 4564
Dangers of Sole Custody HB 4564
Shared Parenting is Best for Children HB 4564
Better Adjusted in Joint Custody Michigan House Bill 4564
Support HB 4564
Angela Pedersen, Registered Nurse
President and Co-Founder
HB 4564 HB 4564 HB4564 MI HB4564 MIHB4564 4564 Michigan House Bill 4564 4564 4564 HB4564 HB 4564
HB 4564 HB 4564 HB4564 MI HB4564 MIHB4564 4564 Michigan House Bill 4564 4564 4564 HB4564 HB 4564
HB 4564 HB 4564 HB4564 MI HB4564 MIHB4564 4564 Michigan House Bill 4564 4564 4564 H Feminist Fantasies
Post Script from Darrick Scott-Farnsworth
Executive Director www.AChildsRight.net
Nextel DC ID 130*112*19287 or 269 209-7144
Pro-Life, Liberty and Property you are Libertarian
P.S. MINOW is perpetuating the lie that non-custodial parents don’t already have parenting costs of their own by trying to make the case that the combined money being spent on child raising is going to decrease if both parents become substantially involved in their child’s life. Reading between the lines MINOW is acknowledging the fact that current sole child custody support orders are bloated with hidden alimony since if both parents are raising their child equally under the current Michigan shared economic resources support formula there still would be an order if either parent had a higher income but the support amount would be much less substantial. HB 4564 does not change the child support formula so if a parent has shared custody but does not actually exercise this custody the actual custodial parent will have the ability to file for increased support. MINOW fails to inform their action list that less then 10% of cases are currently being ruled on by judges and that HB 4564 does not take away the judges ability to rule just makes the system respect the child’s right to both parents equally. They further gender stereo types by claiming the typical custodial parent (mother) did 85% of the child rearing while the parents where together thus the current super majority of custody awards going to mothers is just the divorce industry’s way of maintaining the child’s parental relationships. The facts are that the current system does not respect the actual amount of time spent by both parents in their children’s lives and the only way of fixing this broken system is to require the courts to presume both parents to be equal unless there is evidence of unfitness. Finally, they try to say that there will be added court costs by requiring parents to have clear and convincing evidence of unfitness prior to the court taking a child’s parent out of their life. Higher evidence standards reduce litigation and court time since the bar for hearing arguments is raised and divorces already are being heard in courts along with evidentiary hearings but now all you have to have is innuendo and hearsay to make unfitness claims. Please spread this response to the MINOW action alert far and wide including all of your state politicians.
Posted by: Darrick Scott-Farnsworth | May 08, 2007 at 03:32 PM