Please help me understand why your organization does not support a presumption of equal child custody for fit parents who have no domestic violence convictions? Also do you advocate that parents who have been acussed of committing domestic violence but not convicted be totally denied their ability to parent their children? Please take note, I would like to point out that the amount of time spent interacting with the other parent is the same under a standard custody order versus a standard joint physical custody order of every other week. There are just as many custody exchanges if not more when one parent is designated the non-custodial parent with visitation rights. If mothers in general would agree to allow fathers to equally participate in the actual raising of children after a divorce the parents would see each other only once every other week or every week depending on the agreement. In a standard FOC cookie cutter custody order the parents interact twice a week because of the visit during the week and alternate weekend custody exchanges. Social research says that children do better when raised equally by both parents even when there is some confict so please help all children by supporting equal child custody for fit parents.
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